• Avoid These Common Mistakes During Your Car Accident Case

    The aftermath of a car accident can be a difficult time. You’re probably trying to juggle doctor’s appointments, deal with paperwork, and get back to work as quickly as possible. Thanks to the complexities of recovery, many people make critical errors while their accident lawsuits are pending. Following the advice of a car accident lawyer in Riverside can help you avoid these problems. Common Mistakes During Your Car Accident Case

    Avoid discussing your case with anyone other than your lawyer.

    One of the most common mistakes that accident lawsuit plaintiffs make is to discuss the incident with claims adjusters, defense lawyers, defendants, or other parties. This is never advisable. If anyone contacts you to ask about the case, you should direct all questions to your car accident attorney. Otherwise, you might inadvertently say something that could compromise the outcome of your case.

    Avoid using your social media accounts.

    These days, posting to social media accounts is practically second nature for many people. But while your accident lawsuit is pending, it’s best to avoid them entirely. Expect that defense lawyers, claims adjusters, and other interested parties will scrutinize everything that you post. They will look for pictures and posts in which you appear to not be as injured as you claim. Strengthening your privacy settings is not a foolproof method of protecting your case.

    Avoid neglecting to document your injuries and recovery.

    Aside from hiring a lawyer, one of the most effective ways to facilitate a favorable outcome for your case is to gather strong evidence. Photographic evidence of your injuries, surgical wounds, or the damage to your vehicle can be effective in cultivating the support of the jury. If you’re having significant problems moving around, you may even wish to have someone record video footage as you try to complete daily tasks. Additionally, save all physical evidence you collect during your recovery, such as pill bottles, braces, casts, and similar items.

    Avoid forgetting to keep your lawyer updated.

    It’s essential to keep your lawyer in the loop while your case is pending. Let your lawyer know if you’ve been diagnosed with any complications, if you’ve been referred to another medical provider, or if any other developments arise.

  • What Are Your Rights if You’re Injured by a Government-Owned Vehicle?

    Most car accident lawsuits are filed against allegedly negligent individuals who were driving their own cars. But thousands of government-owned vehicles are on the roads in the U.S. and they can just as easily be involved in a car accident. For any type of accident, you have the legal right to consult a car accident lawyer in Riverside. He or she can pursue compensation on your behalf for your losses, including medical expenses and property damage.

    If the accident involved a federal employee, your car accident lawyer may file an administrative claim under the Federal Tort Claims Act. These claims are based on acts or omissions. In other words, they allege that the federal employee failed to do something or did something that was somehow negligent. If the administrative claim is denied, your car accident lawyer can then file a lawsuit, provided it is filed within six months of the denial. In some cases, accidents are caused by environmental hazards such as poorly constructed or maintained roadways. A lawyer may file a claim against the entity responsible for the construction or maintenance of the road.

    Government-Owned Vehicle Accident lawyer In Riverside, CA

  • Why You Shouldn’t Rely on Insurance After an Accident?

    In the wake of a car accident, many people simply want to put the problem behind them as quickly as possible. It’s often assumed that hiring a car accident lawyer in Riverside may be more of a hassle than it’s worth. But actually, working with a car accident lawyer instead of relying solely on insurance is the most effective way to move forward from a crash. Your car accident attorney will handle the legal details and help you get the maximum compensation you’re entitled to receive.

    Since car accident lawyers have extensive experience handling these cases, they generally have a good idea of how much a particular claim is worth. Your lawyer will immediately be able to tell if the insurance company is offering you less than what you deserve. Remember that auto insurance is a business like any other; the insurance carrier is more interested in turning a profit than paying you a just settlement.

    car - accident - lawyer

  • What Are the Medical Requirements for Truck Drivers?

    Commercial drivers are held to higher standards than other drivers. If you are considering filing an accident lawsuit, one of the issues that your accident lawyer in Riverside will assess is whether the truck driver may have violated safety standards. For example, all truck drivers that hold a CDL must have a valid medical card or medical examiner certificate. If the truck driver does not meet the medical requirements but was driving anyway, this issue can point to negligence in an accident lawsuit.

    For more information, consult your accident attorney and watch this video. This video discusses the medical requirements that commercial drivers must meet, including having 20/40 correctible vision in each eye. Prospective truck drivers may be denied a CDL if they have insulin-dependent diabetes, very high blood pressure, cardiovascular conditions, or a history of substance abuse.

  • Why It’s Important to Get Medical Care After an Accident?

    After sustaining injuries in any type of accident, it’s vitally important that you seek medical care right away. An accident causes the release of adrenaline and other hormones, which can temporarily mask your pain and other symptoms. This means that you could be more seriously injured than you initially realize. In addition to protecting your health, there are legal reasons why you should get medical care right away. If you consult an accident lawyer in Riverside , he or she will need access to your medical records before filing an accident lawsuit. The other party may try to impugn your credibility if you delayed seeking medical care; this could compromise the result of your accident lawsuit.

    On the other hand, getting medical care right away can support the claims made in your accident lawsuit. When you arrive at the medical center, be sure to inform your medical providers that you were just involved in an accident and that your injuries were caused by it. Be your own patient advocate by proactively asking about imaging studies and other medical tests. Lastly, follow your doctor’s discharge instructions and keep your accident lawyer updated about any changes in your health.

    Accident Lawyer in Riverside

  • Steps to Take if You’re Injured in a Trucking Accident

    Truck accidents can be among the most serious types of collisions—and the most deadly. The formidable weight and size of a big rig can crush smaller passenger vehicles and inflict catastrophic injuries. If you’re fortunate enough to survive a truck accident, there are some steps you need to take right away. Later on, you can contact an accident lawyer in Riverside to discuss the legal issues that arise from a crash. Your accident attorney may file an accident lawsuit on your behalf against the truck driver, his or her employer, or other defendants. truck - accident

    Call 911

    The catastrophic injuries that can result from a trucking accident can lead to the loss of consciousness. However, if you are conscious and able to move, you should reach for your cellphone right away and call 911. Let the emergency dispatcher know that you’ve been involved in a big rig accident. Let the dispatcher know if you appear to be seriously hurt. If you’re able to do so, check on the condition of your passengers.

    Exchange Information

    If you’re fortunate enough to have escaped serious injuries in a truck accident, you may be able to get out of the car and move away from the road. If so, you can check on the truck driver. Assuming that he or she is not catastrophically injured, you can exchange important information. Your accident lawyer will need the truck driver’s full name, contact information, CDL number, and employer, along with his or her insurance information. Similarly, you should provide your basic information to the truck driver. Avoid saying anything that might be interpreted as an admission of fault for the crash. This includes saying, “I’m sorry.”

    Document the Scene

    If you’re able to move around, it can be very helpful for your accident lawsuit to gather physical evidence at the crash site. Take pictures of the scene, including the damage to the vehicles, skid marks on the road, and traffic signs and signals. Write down the names and contact information of any witnesses in the area. When the police arrive and take your statement, be sure to ask how you can obtain a copy of the police report.

    Get Medical Attention

    Before you call an accident lawyer after the crash, you should obtain medical attention right away. During the subsequent weeks and months, keep careful records of your medical problems, treatments, and expenses.


  • Tips for Avoiding Motorcycle Accidents in the Rain

    Motorcycle accident lawyers in Riverside often work with clients who sustained serious injuries in crashes that occurred during inclement weather. Although a motorcycle accident lawyer can help you obtain compensation with an accident lawsuit, it’s definitely preferable to avoid a crash altogether. When a rainstorm strikes, the roadways will be slickest during the first 15 minutes, thanks to the accumulation of motor oil on the roadways. If possible, pull over and wait out the storm or at least the first 15 minutes.

    Watch this video for more helpful tips on riding safely in the rain. It recommends wearing waterproof gear to help you stay warm, since it’s hard to drive safely when you’re cold. You should also wear bright clothing and reduce your speed. And remember to contact a motorcycle accident lawyer promptly if you do get into a crash.

  • Taking Action After an Accident or Injury

    If you’ve been injured, you should take a few steps to protect your legal rights , even if you aren’t sure whether or not you can file an accident lawsuit in Riverside. It’s important to contact an accident lawyer as soon as possible, since waiting too long to file a claim may cause you to forfeit your right to do so. Your accident lawyer will need as much evidence as you can provide about the incident and your losses.

    When you watch this video, you’ll learn about gathering the types of evidence that your accident lawyer can use to obtain compensation on your behalf. For instance, it’s always a good idea to take pictures of the scene of the incident and to obtain a copy of the police report. You should also ask eyewitnesses for their full names and contact information.

  • Protecting Your Rights After a Motorcycle Accident

    Motorcyclists often choose this particular mode of transportation for the freedom it provides, not to mention the excellent gas mileage. But motorcycles do have a serious disadvantage: The lack of the fiberglass shell that protects the occupants of a car. After a motorcycle accident, it’s likely that you will accrue significant medical expenses and other losses, which you may be able to recoup by filing an accident lawsuit in Riverside. To protect your legal rights, get in contact with a motorcycle accident lawyer as soon as possible. motorcycle - accident

    File a Police Report

    It should go without saying that it’s essential to call 911 after a motorcycle accident. However, if you were unconscious after the crash and were taken to a hospital, then you will need to contact the local police department later to file a police report. Be sure to get a copy of the report and share this with your motorcycle accident lawyer.

    Get Medical Care

    Assuming that you aren’t taken to the ER while unconscious, it’s essential to get to the nearest hospital after the police clear you to leave the scene. Even if you think your injuries are relatively minor, you may need medical attention for undetectable internal injuries. Plus, your motorcycle accident lawyer will need your medical records as evidence to support your legal claim.

    Follow the Doctor’s Instructions

    It’s important to pay careful attention to your doctor’s discharge instructions. Keep all follow-up appointments as recommended by your doctor and undergo all recommended medical tests. Let your doctor and your lawyer know about any new or worsening symptoms and any complications that may develop. Be sure to keep copies of all of your medical receipts, including bills for your hospitalization, diagnostics, treatments, and medications.

    Preserve the Condition of the Motorcycle

    It may be tempting to rush your motorcycle to the repair shop as quickly as possible. But actually, your motorcycle accident attorney may ask that you preserve the post-crash condition of your bike. This is because your attorney may hire accident reconstruction experts. Additionally, the damaged bike is a convincing piece of evidence in the event that the lawsuit goes to trial.

  • What Not to Do After a Car Accident?

    After an auto accident in Riverside, CA, an attorney can review the case, determine liability, and discuss the next steps to take. But in the immediate aftermath of the crash, there are some steps you need to take right away-well before you contact a personal injury attorney . It’s equally as important to avoid making certain mistakes that can jeopardize the efforts of your accident lawyer to obtain just compensation on your behalf.

    Auto Accident in Riverside, CA

    Avoid Driving Away

    Driving away from the scene of an accident could result in criminal charges. Even if it appears that no one is injured and that the property damage is minimal, it’s always essential to pull over.

    Avoid Making Verbal Agreements

    If the other driver doesn’t have auto insurance, he or she might try to convince you not to call the police, file an accident report, and notify a personal injury attorney. But it’s never a good idea to make a verbal agreement to settle the matter between the two of you. Quite simply, there’s no guarantee that the other driver will uphold his or her end of the bargain. Plus, you might later accrue unexpected expenses stemming from the crash. Always call the police and file an accident report.

    Avoid Neglecting to Obtain Important Information

    You might already know that you need to exchange insurance information with the other driver. But did you know that you should also write down his or her driver’s license number, make and model of the car, license plate, and the names and contact information of any witnesses? Use your cellphone to take plenty of photos of the crash site, including any skid marks and traffic signs, and to document the damage on the vehicles and your injuries.

    Avoid Discussing the Crash

    When you’re exchanging information with the other driver, it’s essential to avoid discussing the crash with him or her. Save your account of what happened for the police officer. If the other driver insists on discussing the accident or becomes belligerent, you can refer him or her to your auto accident attorney.

    Avoid Waiting to See a Doctor

    When the police authorize you to leave the scene, you should go to a hospital right away, even if you think you are not seriously injured. Waiting to see a doctor might later enable the insurance carrier to claim that you couldn’t have been badly injured.