• Spotting the Signs of Elder Abuse


    Elder abuse is among the most reprehensible of offenses because the victims are quite often powerless to protect themselves. If you suspect that a loved one might be suffering abuse at the hands of his or her caregivers, you should contact the authorities and an injury lawyer in Riverside, CA, right away. Inform the police and your personal injury attorney of all the signs of possible elder abuse you’ve noticed, such as suspicious bruises or other unexplainable injuries. Seniors who are being abused might suddenly develop depression, withdraw from social activities, or display an unusual change in alertness.

    Tell your personal injury attorney about any recent changes to your loved one’s medical history, such as whether he or she has developed pressure sores or urinary tract infections. These could be indicative of neglect. Personal injury lawyers can also advocate on behalf of your loved one’s rights if you suspect that he or she is not receiving appropriate medical care. For example, a caregiver might be neglecting to administer prescribed medications.



  • What Happens in a Personal Injury Trial?

    After sustaining injuries due to someone else’s negligence , you can retain the services of a personal injury attorney with offices in Riverside, CA. Your personal injury attorney might file a lawsuit against the negligent party to demand compensation for your losses. If the case goes to trial, your accident lawyer will make an opening statement, present evidence, and question witnesses to prove your losses and the other party’s negligence. The case may be resolved with a jury verdict or a settlement.

    For more on what happens leading up to the trial, watch this video or consult your personal injury attorney. The professional in this video explains that your attorney will begin the process by submitting a notice of representation to the negligent party and possibly to his or her insurance company. Then, your lawyer will review all relevant evidence to prepare your case.

  • What Are the Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

    Motorcycle accidents have a higher potential for serious personal injury or death than many other types of automobile accidents. This is because motorcycles leave riders much more vulnerable to injury when they are struck or lose control. If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident or any other type of vehicle collision, contacting an auto accident lawyer near Riverside, CA, is an important step you should take to protect your rights and seek reparations for injuries that may have occurred. Regardless of the cause for your accident or the party at fault, working with a car accident lawyer is a smart move that will ensure your case is treated properly under California’s personal injury law.

    Causes of Motorcycle Accidents by Law Offices of Harlan B. Kistler

    Poor Handling

    Motorcycles are unique vehicles that handle very differently than enclosed vehicles. One of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents is poor handling, either through rider inexperience, unexpected occurrences such as animals, people, or obstacles in the path ahead, and changes in weather that make driving and handling more hazardous. As a driver, it’s important to understand that motorcycles are less stable in poor conditions, and provide extra space and time for riders to stop and maneuver to avoid an accident. If you own a motorcycle, ensuring you have the skill and strength to handle it is vital to your safety.


    Car and truck drivers often cause motorcycle accidents. When driving a traditional vehicle, many drivers unintentionally ignore the presence of two-wheeled vehicles, such as bicycles and motorcycles, or misjudge the likelihood of a collision. This most frequently occurs at intersections and when making turns or lane changes, when drivers often miss or misjudge the presence of pedestrians, bikes, and motorcycles. The best way to avoid this issue as a driver is to be aware of your own tendency toward ignorance; as a motorcyclist, slowing down when a car in front of you signals to turn or change lanes and assuming they do not see you is the safest way to avoid a collision that could cause serious personal injury.

  • A Brief Overview of Wrongful Death Claims

    Losing a loved one is a difficult experience, regardless of the circumstances. However, that loss can feel more acute when your family member died as a result of another’s negligence. A wrongful death claim may be brought by the surviving family members of a deceased individual against one or more persons when it is believed that the circumstances surrounding their loved one’s death could have been prevented. These lawsuits seek to provide reparations for the family members to atone for factors such as the financial, physical, and emotional losses suffered as a result of the death, such as the loss of financial support, physical actions, guardianship or companionship, and even funeral and burial expenses. If you are considering filing a wrongful death claim, it is essential to work with an experienced personal injury lawyer in Riverside, CA , to file your claim and support your case.

    Accident attorneys have an up-to-date working knowledge of your legal resources if you have suffered an injury or loss due to negligence. Your personal injury attorney will provide you with the guidance, counsel, and legal knowledge you need to file a successful wrongful death claim or a personal injury claim.

     wrongful death claim

  • Reducing Your Risk of a Rear-End Collision

    Automobile accidents are one of the most common causes of personal injury cases handled by accident attorneys in Riverside, CA. The majority of accidents are caused by distraction and negligent behavior, meaning that these situations are highly preventable.

    This video discusses several of the causes for rear-end collisions, as well as how you should modify your own driving behavior to avoid them. Understanding how changes in speed and vehicle distance affect accident likelihood can help drivers navigate more safely. Reducing your risk for an accident will also help you reduce your risk for facing a personal injury claim; if you are involved in any collision that causes injuries, it’s best to discuss the situation with a car accident lawyer promptly to determine your options. An auto accident lawyer will examine factors such as driver behavior, road conditions, and more to help you best present your case.

  • Tips for Protecting Your Right to Compensation After a Car Accident


    Car accidents are a common occurrence on the road, but they can be a big disruption in your life when they lead to injuries and significant damage to your property. If you have been in a car accident that was not your fault, you may be entitled to compensation, which you might seek with the help of a personal injury lawyer serving Riverside, CA . While auto insurance is designed to cover the costs of injuries and property damage, insurance companies will often try to settle at the lowest cost possible, leaving you struggling to pay medical bills or have your car properly fixed. Below, you can see what you will need to do to ensure that you are able to file a personal injury case after an auto accident when insurance is not enough to cover the damage.

    Personal Injury Lawyer in Riverside

    Keep an Accurate Record of the Accident

    It is a good idea to keep a disposable camera or charged cell phone handy so that you can take pictures of the scene of the accident, which will be reliable in backing up your recollection of the accident. You might also talk to witnesses, file a police report, and make a statement with your insurance provider as soon as possible to establish an accurate record for your case.

    Never Admit Fault

    You should speak carefully after a car accident, because a simple statement may imply that you are at fault for the accident, and this could be used against you as you look for compensation to cover your expenses. You’ll also want to stand firm in following appropriate procedures after the accident, even if the other driver offers to settle under the table or suggests skipping a call to the police.

    Seek Medical Attention

    Even if you do not have severe injuries, you should see a doctor after a car accident. Injuries like whiplash may not have substantial symptoms at first, but they can worsen and cause long-term complications that will cause medical expenses to stack up.

  • How is Whiplash Treated?

    Whiplash is one of the most personal injuries that is seen by car accident lawyers near Riverside, CA . A whiplash injury occurs when a car is rear-ended or side-swiped and the driver or passenger’s head is suddenly and forcefully jerked forwards and backwards or side to side. The injury causes damage to the tendons, ligaments, and muscles in the neck, resulting in neck pain and stiffness.

    Watch this video to find out how whiplash injuries are treated. It is important to seek professional medical treatment as soon as possible in order to validate the personal injury claim filed by your auto accident attorney.

  • Steps to Take After an Auto Accident

    If you have suffered from a personal injury in an auto accident, the first things that you should do are to seek medical attention and contact an auto accident lawyer serving Riverside, CA . A car accident lawyer can protect your rights and ensure that you are reimbursed for medical expenses and other damages. Here are the most important steps that you should take after an auto accident that causes personal injury.

    Auto Accident Lawyer in Riverside, CA

    Call 911 and File a Police Report

    The first thing that you should do after an accident, even a minor fender bender, is to call 911 to report the accident and be evaluated for injuries. Many car accident injuries don’t cause symptoms until days or weeks after the accident, so it’s crucial that you are checked by an EMT or medical professional immediately even if you don’t think that you are injured. Otherwise, there will be no proof that your personal injury was caused by the auto accident. You must also file a police report, as most insurance companies require one in order for you to pursue an insurance claim. It will also be incredibly helpful to your personal injury lawyer.

    Take Photos and Exchange Insurance Information

    The next thing that you should do is take clear, comprehensive photos of the accident scene. Photograph the damages caused to all of the cars involved, as well as any road signs, road hazards, or traffic lights that influenced the accident. You should also take photographs of tire skid marks that may prove liability, as well as any personal injuries sustained at the scene.

    Hire an Automobile Accident Lawyer

    If you sustained a personal injury in the accident, you should hire an automobile accident lawyer as soon as possible. A personal injury attorney who has experience with car accident injury claims can be very valuable if you need to prove liability or seek reimbursement for damages. Your car accident lawyer will communicate with insurance claims agents, doctors, and other attorneys on your behalf. He can also help you reach a settlement for physical, psychological, and property damages.

  • Auto Accidents in California [INFOGRAPHIC]

    Even though driving a car is something many people do every day without incident, accidents can happen at any time. There were roughly 3,000 fatalities due to auto accidents in California in 2013, an increase of over one percent from the previous year. If you or someone you love has been injured or even killed as a result of an auto accident, you need an accident lawyer near Riverside to represent you and your rights. Accidents can be caused by negligence, unsafe driving conditions, alcohol or drug impairment, and more. Take a look at this infographic to learn more about the statistics and changes in car and motorcycle accidents in California. Please share with your friends and family, and remember to stay safe on the road.


  • What Injuries Are Most Common After Car Crashes?

    Accident Attorneys at Law Offices of Harlan B. Kistler Car crashes can inflict injuries on any part of the body. Even minor fender benders can result in serious injuries and chronic symptoms. After calling the emergency dispatcher and filing a police report, it’s essential to get to the nearest hospital—even if you don’t think you’ve suffered serious injuries. The adrenaline your body releases during a crash can camouflage symptoms, which means your injuries may not be immediately evident. Seeking medical care is also imperative because your personal injury lawyer can use your medical records to substantiate your claim. After you’ve received medical care, get in touch with accident attorneys in Riverside, CA to discuss your legal rights and options.


    Whiplash is one of the most common injuries that accident attorneys see in car crash victims. Whiplash primarily develops in victims of rear-end collisions. It refers to damage of the tendons, muscles, ligaments, and nerves of the neck. Sometimes, car crash victims also suffer injuries of the intervertebral discs. The symptoms of whiplash—which typically include neck pain, stiffness, and reduced range of motion—may not develop until a few days after the crash. If you’re diagnosed with whiplash, be sure to inform your auto accident lawyer of any changes in your health status while your claim is pending.

    Traumatic Brain Injuries

    A personal injury case that stems from an auto accident may involve a traumatic brain injury (TBI), which can range from mild to severe. A mild concussion or TBI may cause disorientation, confusion, brief loss of consciousness, headache, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. Even when symptoms are mild, victims are generally advised to stay home and rest until the symptoms are completely resolved. A severe TBI can result in extensive losses. Victims may be in a coma, minimally conscious state, or vegetative state. Victims may suffer from seizures, intellectual impairment, paralysis, behavioral changes, communication impairment, and sensory problems. For some, the complications of a traumatic brain injury last a lifetime.

    Chest Injuries

    Chest injuries are quite common in car crashes. Although seatbelts and air bags can save lives, they can also inflict injuries when a person is forcefully thrown against them. Drivers may suffer chest injuries if they strike the steering wheel. Chest injuries can range in severity from minor contusions to broken ribs or internal organ damage.