What to Do If You’re Injured in a Slip and Fall?

Property owners have a responsibility to exercise reasonable caution regarding the condition of their property. If you slip or trip and fall on someone else’s property, it is possible that a personal injury attorney could file a lawsuit on your behalf. An injury lawyer located in Riverside, CA, could help you seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other related losses. To preserve your legal rights and help your personal injury attorney build a case, there are a few steps you should take immediately after an accident.

Accident Lawyer at Law Offices of Harlan B. Kistler

Document the Evidence

Depending on how seriously you are injured, your first step might be to call 911 to request an ambulance. However, if you are able to do so, it’s best to document the evidence as soon as possible after falling. If you have a cellphone with you, take pictures of your injuries and the scene. Make sure to get pictures of any hazardous areas, such as broken handrails, loose floorboards, or similar problems. This physical evidence can prove invaluable when your accident lawyer files a claim. Make a note of the date and time of the accident and write down a few notes about how the incident occurred.

Report the Incident

Inform the property owner or manager about the accident as soon as possible, preferably before you leave the scene. Ask the owner or manager to create a written report of the incident and request to have a copy.

Talk to Witnesses

If there were any witnesses to your accident, ask them to share their full names and contact information with you. You might also obtain a written and signed statement from these witnesses about what happened. However, this is not necessary; your personal injury attorney can interview them later.

Get Medical Attention

If you’ve sustained a serious injury such as head trauma, you should call for medical attention immediately after falling. Otherwise, go to the nearest ER or urgent care center as soon as you’ve documented the incident. Even if you think your injuries are not too serious, getting medical attention promptly can help support your case. Be sure to tell the doctors and nurses that you were injured in a fall.