• The Signs of Elder Abuse

    Elder abuse is an unspeakable tragedy, and it often goes unreported. Nearly 10% of all seniors in the U.S. become victims of elder abuse. This is a tragedy that you can help put an end to. Be alert to the signs of elder abuse , and contact the police and a personal injury lawyer in Riverside if you notice them. If you believe a senior is in imminent danger, call 911 immediately. Otherwise, a personal injury lawyer can walk you through the process of seeking legal recourse.

    Types of Elderly Abuse

    To learn about the types of elder abuse, watch this featured video and consult your personal injury lawyer about your own observations. Your personal injury lawyer may ask you about suspicious physical problems, such as unexplained bruises, lacerations, or broken bones. Some seniors are medically neglected. Their caregivers may fail to give them prescribed medications, neglect to take appropriate actions to prevent bedsores, and fail to call a doctor when needed.

  • Common Causes of Amputation Injuries

    Catastrophic injuries, including amputations, may form the basis for a personal injury claim.  An accident lawsuit can involve either traumatic amputations or surgical amputations. A traumatic amputation occurs during the course of the accident. For example, a car crash might result in the violent loss of an arm or leg. A surgical amputation is performed by a surgeon. These intentional amputations are done for the purpose of saving the life of the patient when a hand, foot, or limb has been compromised by a serious medical problem, such as an infection.

    It is still possible to file a catastrophic injury lawsuit with the help of an accident lawyer after undergoing a surgical amputation, as long as the surgery directly resulted from someone else’s negligent or reckless actions. For instance, a car accident lawsuit might claim that the crash crushed the victim’s leg, which later needed to be amputated. In addition to motor vehicle accidents, other possible causes of amputation injuries include medical malpractice and defective products. Defective power tools or home exercise equipment, for instance, might cause a traumatic amputation.

    Catastrophic Injury Lawsuit in Riverside, CA

  • O.J. Simpson: Understanding an Infamous Wrongful Death Lawsuit

    In 1994, the country was horrified to learn of the violent deaths of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Simpson’s ex-husband, former NFL player O.J. Simpson, was acquitted of the murders. However, a civil lawsuit was brought against him and he was found liable for wrongful death. There are significant differences between verdicts in criminal cases and the outcomes of wrongful death accident lawsuits. If you’ve lost a loved one due to someone else’s actions, you can consult an accident lawyer in Riverside to discuss how an accident lawsuit would proceed differently from a criminal case.

    As you’ll learn when you watch this featured video, a verdict in a criminal trial is not binding on a civil accident lawsuit. One of O.J. Simpson’s defense lawyers points out that the burden of proof is different. In a criminal case, a defendant must be found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. In a civil accident lawsuit, a defendant must be found liable by a preponderance of the evidence.

  • Understanding Wrongful Death Claims

    If a loved one was killed by someone else’s criminal activity or negligence, such as in an auto accident, then you could be able to file a wrongful death claim . For criminal activity, a wrongful death claim may come in the wake of a criminal court conviction. For a car crash, contact an accident attorney in Riverside for a case evaluation.

  • Get the Answers to Your Questions About Wrongful Death Cases

    The loss of a family member is never easy to cope with. The knowledge that your loved one died due to the negligent or reckless actions of another person can add to your grief. You may wish to find closure by pursuing a wrongful death claim. Consider talking to a personal injury lawyer in Riverside about whether you may be eligible to file a wrongful death lawsuit. Wrongful Death Cases by Law Offices of Harlan B. Kistler

    What is the legal definition of “wrongful death?”

    For legal purposes, a wrongful death occurs when someone dies as a direct result of another person’s or an entity’s negligence or wrongful act. Wrongful death lawsuits proceed in civil courts, not criminal courts. It is possible for the same incident to lead to both criminal charges and a civil lawsuit, which would proceed completely independent of each other. Even if a person is found not guilty in a criminal court, he or she may be held liable in a civil court.

    Who is allowed to file a wrongful death claim?

    The specifics of wrongful death claims vary from state to state. A personal injury lawyer can determine if you are eligible to file a claim. In California, the decedent’s spouse, domestic partner, and children are legally allowed to bring a wrongful death lawsuit. If the decedent does not have a surviving family member, any party may bring a wrongful death claim if that person would be entitled to inherit property from the decedent in accordance with the state’s intestate succession laws. Other parties may also be able to file a wrongful death lawsuit if they can prove they were financially dependent on the decedent. These people may include the decedent’s stepchildren, parents, putative spouse, and children of the putative spouse.

    Is there a deadline for filing claims?

    Yes. In litigation, this deadline is referred to as the statute of limitations. California law requires that a party file a wrongful death lawsuit within two years of the date of the decedent’s death. This is one reason why it’s important to contact a personal injury lawyer right away.

    What damages may be recovered?

    A personal injury lawyer can seek damages that would compensate the decedent’s estate for losses, including the funeral and burial expenses, hospital bills, and loss of earning capacity. The surviving family members may sue for the loss of love, affection, and guidance, along with the loss of anticipated financial support.

  • Questions Your Accident Lawyer May Ask During Your Case Consultation

    A slip and fall accident can sometimes cause serious injuries, but you shouldn’t have to pay for problems caused by hazardous conditions on someone else’s property. Schedule an initial consultation with a slip and fall lawyer in Riverside to discuss your options. You can expect your lawyer to ask you some basic questions about the case in order to offer sound legal guidance. Slip and Fall Lawyer in Riverside

    Do you have a timeline of events?

    In addition to finding out the exact location, date, and time of the incident, your personal injury lawyer will need to know the general timeline of events. This should include what you were doing before the incident, and what happened before and afterward. Full disclosure of what happened is necessary for your lawyer to provide quality representation.

    Did you give any verbal or written statements?

    The slip and fall lawyer may ask you for a list of eyewitnesses to the accident, and the names and contact information of anyone to whom you may have given a statement. For example, let your lawyer know if you filed an incident report with a store manager or spoke with a neighbor in an apartment complex about the hazardous conditions found in a common area. In particular, your lawyer will need to know if you gave any statements to a police officer, security guard, or insurance adjuster.

    Did you see a doctor?

    Many people who are injured in slip and fall accidents delay seeking medical care. This might be because they’re in a rush to go about their daily routine or because their injuries do not seem to be very serious. Delaying a medical evaluation is never a good idea; however, for several reasons. First, you may have more serious injuries than you initially realize. Second, the defense may claim that your injuries were sustained after the incident. And third, the defense may claim that if you failed to see a doctor right away, your injuries aren’t as serious as you allege. Your personal injury lawyer will likely ask you to sign a release to grant him or her permission to access your medical records.

  • Coping with the Life-Altering Effects of a Catastrophic Injury

    Catastrophic injuries include amputations, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), and other injuries that are expected to have permanent, life-changing effects. It’s never easy to move forward after a major injury, especially when the medical bills become overwhelming. After an accident, it’s in your best interests to consult a car accident attorney in Riverside. An accident lawsuit cannot reverse your health problems, of course, but it can provide the means to cope with your limitations.

    Compensation from an accident lawsuit can allow you to not only pay your medical bills for surgeries and hospitalizations, but also to make arrangements for therapy sessions with physical, occupational, speech, and other therapists. A jury award or settlement from an accident lawsuit may also allow you to make any needed modifications to your home to improve its accessibility and help you overcome your physical challenges. Consider using some of your settlement or jury award to schedule psychological counseling sessions. A mental health counselor can guide you in developing the coping tools you’ll need to move forward.

    Catastrophic Injury Attorney in Riverside, CA

  • Avoid These Common Mistakes During Your Car Accident Case

    The aftermath of a car accident can be a difficult time. You’re probably trying to juggle doctor’s appointments, deal with paperwork, and get back to work as quickly as possible. Thanks to the complexities of recovery, many people make critical errors while their accident lawsuits are pending. Following the advice of a car accident lawyer in Riverside can help you avoid these problems. Common Mistakes During Your Car Accident Case

    Avoid discussing your case with anyone other than your lawyer.

    One of the most common mistakes that accident lawsuit plaintiffs make is to discuss the incident with claims adjusters, defense lawyers, defendants, or other parties. This is never advisable. If anyone contacts you to ask about the case, you should direct all questions to your car accident attorney. Otherwise, you might inadvertently say something that could compromise the outcome of your case.

    Avoid using your social media accounts.

    These days, posting to social media accounts is practically second nature for many people. But while your accident lawsuit is pending, it’s best to avoid them entirely. Expect that defense lawyers, claims adjusters, and other interested parties will scrutinize everything that you post. They will look for pictures and posts in which you appear to not be as injured as you claim. Strengthening your privacy settings is not a foolproof method of protecting your case.

    Avoid neglecting to document your injuries and recovery.

    Aside from hiring a lawyer, one of the most effective ways to facilitate a favorable outcome for your case is to gather strong evidence. Photographic evidence of your injuries, surgical wounds, or the damage to your vehicle can be effective in cultivating the support of the jury. If you’re having significant problems moving around, you may even wish to have someone record video footage as you try to complete daily tasks. Additionally, save all physical evidence you collect during your recovery, such as pill bottles, braces, casts, and similar items.

    Avoid forgetting to keep your lawyer updated.

    It’s essential to keep your lawyer in the loop while your case is pending. Let your lawyer know if you’ve been diagnosed with any complications, if you’ve been referred to another medical provider, or if any other developments arise.

  • What to Expect During Your First Slip and Fall Attorney Consultation

    A slip and fall accident can lead to serious injuries and substantial losses, including medical bills and missed time at work. Sometimes, victims are left permanently disabled and unable to work. Slip and fall accident survivors in Riverside have legal recourse available to them. If you’re considering filing a lawsuit to obtain compensation, you’ll meet with your slip and fall lawyer during an initial consultation. attorney - consultation

    Reviewing Your Case

    The main purposes of the initial consultation are to allow the personal injury lawyer to determine if there is the basis for filing a lawsuit and to allow you to decide if you do wish to move forward with the case. First, your personal injury lawyer will ask you some basic questions about the incident. He or she may also have you fill out a questionnaire. Some of the information your lawyer will need might include:

    • Date and time of the incident
    • Names of eyewitnesses
    • Causes of the fall
    • Symptoms and medical diagnoses
    • Economic losses (e.g., medical bills)

    It’s important to share all details about the incident with your lawyer, even if you don’t think that they’re important to the case. For example, you should tell your lawyer what you were doing immediately prior to the fall and how much time passed before you sought medical attention.

    Identifying the Evidence

    Your lawyer will need all of the physical evidence that may support your claims. You may be asked to sign a release form to allow the lawyer access to your medical records. If you took pictures of the area where you fell, these can prove immensely helpful for your case. Let your lawyer know if you noticed surveillance cameras in the area.

    Answering Your Questions

    Another component of the initial consultation is making sure you have the information you need to decide whether to pursue the case. Consider bringing a list of questions with you to the consultation, along with some blank paper for taking notes. You might want to ask the lawyer about his or her prior experience handling slip and fall accident cases or you might want to ask what you can expect from the litigation process.

  • What Is a Deposition?

    After someone files an accident lawsuit in Riverside, the involved parties will go through a pre-trial process known as discovery. Discovery refers to the exchange of information between each party’s accident lawyers. A deposition is an important component of discovery. During a deposition, a witness or other party is placed under oath. The accident lawyers will ask questions and the individual will have to answer truthfully. Although the individual is under oath, there is no judge or jury present.

    When you watch this video, you’ll learn more about depositions for accident lawsuits. You’ll discover the role of the court reporter and you’ll learn that the testimony given during a deposition may be used during the trial. For example, it may be found that a witness gives testimony during the trial that contradicts what he or she said during the deposition.